Hromadas from four oblasts to learn entrepreneurship development in villages

On 9-12 July, officials from amalgamated hromadas of the Sumy, Kherson, Kirovohrad and Cherkasy Oblasts will gather in the Cherkasy Oblast to learn about the effective development of cooperation and rural entrepreneurship in AH villages. They will be assisted by the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

In addition to the training itself, the participants of the event will visit the Karashyska AH (Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Rayon) and get acquainted with hromada’s successful cooperation development projects, as well as visit “Zernoland” and get to know the tourist complex creation project, as well as come to the tavern “U Pani Oli” located in the village of Subotiv of the Chyhyryn Rayon, that has been greeting thousands of tourists in a 100-year-old hut for already 15 years.

“Development of a cooperative movement and entrepreneurship in the countryside is extremely important for hromadas,” says Hryhoriy Pererva, regional development adviser of the Cherkasy LGDC. “It is an opportunity to reduce the pressure of large agroholdings, diversify economy and attract active residents. The latter is necessary, because only active hardworking Ukrainians can contribute to the development of rural areas, formation of capable AHs.”

Last year U-LEAD advisers from other regions had an opportunity to get acquainted with successful examples of cooperation development in the Cherkasy Oblast. And today they are already bringing here the representatives of their hromadas so that they take over our effective experience and share it in their regions.


Черкаська область


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