How AH representatives learned to develop voluntary fire brigades

A second workshop for representatives of amalgamated hromadas and local NGOs on voluntary fire brigade development took place in Odesa on 28-29 June in the framework of the “Safety Guard” programme, implemented by the Pobratymy NGO with the support of the Pact in Ukraine (USAID/ENGAGE! programme).

During the two-day workshop, participants were able to learn about:

• models for involving the population in fire protection,

• experience of voluntary fire brigades’ establishment in Afghanistan from an expert, who provided fire safety at NATO base there;

• cooperation with business entities on social initiatives (on the example of cooperation with agricultural holdings);

• organisation of communication campaigns at the local level;

• support of volunteers’ motivation and Ukrainian experience of volunteer teambuilding from “Plyazhnyi Patrul” NGO.

The second day was devoted to the practice of exercises at the fire ground, which allowed the participants to plunge into the atmosphere of volunteers-firefighters and to understand that being a voluntary fire brigade is not only an honorable, but also interesting task. In addition, the participants also understood that attracting people can be more effective, if they organise interactive activities that allow to learn everything first hand.

The next task for the participants will be to find local ambassadors to popularise the idea at the hromada level.

It should be noted that the first workshop was held in Kyiv on 26-27 April.

02.07.2018 - 12:54 | Views: 12792
How AH representatives learned to develop voluntary fire brigades

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safety volunteers fire safety


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