Experts taught how to establish safe hromada

The first round of the "Safety Guards" programme from the Pobratymy NGO with the support of the USAID/Engage programme, implemented by Pact in Ukraine, was held on 26-27 April.

The two-day workshop was attended by the local self-government representatives and activists from 26 hromadas from different parts of Ukraine.

During the first day held in Kyiv, the participants were able to:

  • discuss responses to new threats with Estonian experts from the International Centre for Defense and Security;
  • learn about the Polish experience from the invited expert from Solidarity Foundation;
  • analyse best practices in the field of notification with representatives of the Donetsk LGDC;
  • learn to communicate on social initiatives and support volunteers' motivation.

The second day was organised at the training centre for firefighters in the city of Vyshneve, with the support of the Chief Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Kyiv Oblast. There, the participants could feel like firefighters and, on their own experience, make sure that being a member of the volunteer fire brigade is not only an honourable mission, but an interesting sport and extreme hobby.

Details are to come soon... 


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