Submission of applications for studies at School of Mayors is on

The fourth School of Mayors training programme starts soon. The “Spilni Zusyllia” Agency, organiser and operator of the School of Mayors, accepts applications by 8 July 2018.

The purpose of the School is to prepare the current city mayors and candidates for mayors along with their teams to manage cities under decentralisation.

The mission of the School is to create a new administrative culture in the cities, based on systematic strategic thinking, open public policy and good governance.

Benefits of studying at the School of the Mayors:

  • Comprehensive coverage of all spheres of the city mayor’s work;
  • Learning of world standards of public administration;
  • Acquision of the European experience in local governance and the best practices;
  • Expert support in elaboration of the city development strategy, as well as consulting in writing a project to solve a key problem in the city;
  • Admission to the Graduates’ Club of the Schools of Mayors – a community of local change-makers, who drive local development.

Terms of selection for the fourth training programme of the School of Mayors:

Target audience:

  • city mayors or local political and public leaders of cities of oblast significance and AHs as well as their teams, who already have socially significant achievements and are ready to assume responsibility for the development of their cities in future;
  • age – over 21 years;
  • have higher education;
  • have socially significant achievements for the city in the past;

The preference in the selection will be given to the formed teams.

Applications are accepted at the address

More information on the School of Mayors is available HERE


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


25.06.2018 - 11:22 | Views: 9045
Submission of applications for studies at School of Mayors is on




Агенція «Спільні зусилля»

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