Government has approved allocation of healthcare subventions to local budgets, which communal institutions have not concluded agreements with National Health Service

The Government portal published a resolution that regulates the financing of healthcare facilities, that have not yet signed a healthcare service agreement under the programme of state guarantees for delivery of primary healthcare services to the population, in the III quarter of 2018.

The experts of the Financial Monitoring Group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion (supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme) explain that such a decision is stipulated by the norms of the Budget Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018”, according to which from 1 July 2018, expenditures for primary healthcare provision are made from the state budget under the programme of state guarantees for delivery of primary healthcare services to the population in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

At the same time, it is envisaged that the budgets of the administrative-territorial units, communal healthcare institutions of which have not concluded agreements for provision of healthcare services to the population under the relevant programme, are to receive the healthcare subvention, the amount of which is formed by redistribution of expenditures of the state budget provided under the budget programme “Primary healthcare provision to the population”.

Thus, for the purpose of gradual implementation of the healthcare reform, the Government allocates UAH 2.06 billion in the III quarter of this year for the primary healthcare provision by healthcare institutions that have not concluded agreements with the National Health Service.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 420-r dated 13.06.2018 “On redistribution of some state budget expenditures, envisaged for the Ministry of Health in 2018, and allocation of healthcare subvention from the state budget to local budgets among the budgets of the cities of oblast significance, rayon budgets and budgets of amalgamated hromadas” and its annexes are available HERE


25.06.2018 - 10:32 | Views: 18840
Government has approved allocation of healthcare subventions to local budgets, which communal institutions have not concluded agreements with National Health Service


budget healthcare


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