Getting subsidies with no queues: services to be provided in Donetsk Oblast by “Transparent social offices”

When in 2014 military actions started in the Donetsk Oblast and Kramatorsk became a temporary oblast center, the Department of Social Protection of the Donetsk Oblast State Administration expressed its intention to organise transparent social offices on the free territory of the Donetsk Oblast, where citizens would have the opportunity to receive all social services.

Subsequently, within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre organised a study visit to Kharkiv, where the delegation from the Donetsk Oblast got acquainted with the new approaches to administrative and social service delivery.

At present, 8 cities and rayons of the Donetsk Oblast take part in the project on creation of a “social office” as an independent institution: Druzhkivka, Myrnohrad, Avdiyivka, Slovyansk, Bakhmut, as well as the Maryinka, Slovyansk and Manhush Rayons. As part of the ASCs, transparent social offices will be opened in Mariupol, Vuhledar, Kostyantynivka and Pokrovsk, as well as in four AHs: the Soledarska, Mykolayivska, Cherkaska and Shahivska hromadas.

Financing of the “Social Office” project is envisaged at the expense of the state, local budgets and international organisations. The first transparent social office in the Donetsk Oblast was opened in the Mykolayivska AH – it was located in the building of the Administrative Service Centre.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




14.06.2018 - 15:48 | Views: 11526
Getting subsidies with no queues: services to be provided in Donetsk Oblast by “Transparent social offices”

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Донецька область


Миколаївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Миколаївська територіальна громада


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