Serhiyivska AH in Poltava Oblast to make profit of sun energy

The Serhiyivska amalgamated hromada of the Hadyach Rayon decided to make profit of sun energy.

The Serhiyivska AH is currently implementing various investment projects, because there are a lot of empty premises on the AH territory, which once were in collective ownership, there is land that can be used for the installation of solar panels. They are actively looking for investors and create investment projects.

“We have a tractor brigade, which once was in a collective ownership, but in fact it was not divided into shares, the certified owners of shares gathered and informed that they pass them to the hromada. But there is no legislation allowing us to pass these certificates without any problems, so we registered the brigade as immediate property. In fact, according to the law, the authorities guard this property, therefore in November we will have the right to go to court so that it is transferred to the communal property – including a barn-floor, a garage, a big hangar,” tells Ihor Lidovyi, head of the Serhiyivska AH. “We are looking for investors for these premises. For example, an investor has already been found for the hangar, and he is ready to build a pellet plant there, but we are waiting for the court decision. One of the entrepreneurs also bought an empty shop in the village of Serhiyivka, where a mini-bakery will be made and six people will be employed. We used the funds of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund.

Other investment projects are also at different stages of implementation. Two land plots are to be given to investors for the construction of solar power plants. An investor has already been found for one of them with an area of ​​10 hectares, located near the building of the Serhiyivka village council.

“There will be solar panels installed, 5 MW of electricity will be produced on the area of ​​10 hectares. This land appeared to be interesting for investors as far as it is located not far from the large electric power substation near the village of Serhiyivka, which can take over these capacities. Investors were also found for another site in the village of Kachanove, which is part of the AH. But this plot is located outside the settlement, so we are waiting for November, when the land outside settlements will be transferred to the communal ownership of the AH, and we will be able to allocate it. These land plots are precious for investors, because there are large substations nearby,” told Ihor Lidovyi.

The hromada will benefit from the presence of investors, who will create solar stations, as they will register in the AH as entrepreneurs, and this will make a significant income to the hromada budget.

14.06.2018 - 09:00 | Views: 8545
Serhiyivska AH in Poltava Oblast to make profit of sun energy


Полтавська область


Сергіївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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