Intermunicipal cooperation promotes uniform development of AHs

Intermunicipal cooperation and establishment of local self-government partnership for implementation of joint projects is a common model of efforts’ unification in the EU countries. Each third community project in Germany is a project of intermunicipal cooperation (IMC), in France 80% of communities participate in IMC projects.

In Ukraine, at the moment, there are 187 IMC projects covering 753 hromadas, informed Ihor Mamonov, regional development expert, to the participants of the seminar held in the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine.

During the seminar “Substantiation and development of intermunicipal cooperation projects”, held on 12 June, various aspects of the topic were studied: the concept of intermunicipal cooperation, benefits for hromadas and best practices, stages and peculiarities of concluding contracts, financing possibilities. Ihor Mamonov, regional development expert, Andriy Muzhevskyi, financial expert, and Andriy Dyshlyuk, legal adviser of the LGDC, worked with the hromadas of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.06.2018 - 15:43 | Views: 14467
Intermunicipal cooperation promotes uniform development of AHs

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Дніпропетровська область


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