Energy efficiency measures for cities and hromadas to be discussed on 6 June at Invest Energy Day

The Invest Energy Day conference on financing energy efficiency measures for cities and hromadas, will be held on 6 June.

Conference participants will learn how and where to get funding for development of an energy efficient city and hromada. 10 speakers (representatives of financial donors, grant providers, investment companies, venture capital funds, international and Ukrainian banks) will present their reports that will outline the mechanism for obtaining funding for energy efficiency and alternative energy projects, as well as grant and technical support for such projects.

Vyacheslav Kozak, decentralisation and social mobilisation expert of the DESPRO Project, will be one of the conference speakers with the report Bonds of local loans and green bonds as an instrument for funding energy efficiency measures for cities and hromadas”.

“Today it is important to stimulate local self-government and business to implement energy-efficient technologies at the regional level. Launch of green and municipal bonds’ market will be one of the tools to do it,” said DESPRO expert Vyacheslav Kozak, commenting on his participation in the event.

05.06.2018 - 12:27 | Views: 9511
Energy efficiency measures for cities and hromadas to be discussed on 6 June at Invest Energy Day


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