Youth leaders of hromadas of Western Ukraine will gather for the second time in Ternopil

On 11 June, the second session of the unique educational project “Public administration in the field of youth policy” on training specialists working with the youth will start in Ternopil.

The educational programme is designed in such a way that 50% of the disciplines are taught under the classical, academic method, and 50% as trainings and meetings with famous people.

“The main goal of the project is to provide the management and employees of the structural units responsible for implementing youth policy in hromadas, as well as youth activists, with comprehensive knowledge and skills that will help them to work effectively with the youth of their hromadas in the form of an advanced training programme,” comments Maksym Cherkashyn, author of the project, head of the NGO “Educational and Analytical Hromada Development Centre”.

The second training session will last from 11 till 15 June.

The project is organised by the NGO “Educational and Analytical Hromada Development Centre” in cooperation with the Ternopil National Economic University, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Family, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.06.2018 - 11:59 | Views: 10907
Youth leaders of hromadas of Western Ukraine will gather for the second time in Ternopil




Тернопільська область


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