Association of Amalgamated Hromadas proposes all political forces to join its political Declaration

With the election drawing closer, political parties are getting more and more focused on local self-government. All politicians have already understood that their influence on voters directly depends on their position in regard to the decentralisation and local self-government reforms. Special attention is now paid to the new local self-government in amalgamated hromadas, since these are the AHs which are subject to the most remarkable positive transformations which can be converted into tangible political dividends.

Given that, the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas is already receiving proposals from some of political forces regarding the signing of memorandums, support declarations etc.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.06.2018 - 15:09 | Views: 12755
Association of Amalgamated Hromadas proposes all political forces to join its political Declaration


AOTH amalgamation of hromadas


Асоціація об’єднаних територіальних громад

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