All-Ukrainian seminar-meeting to be held for local self-government in September: be in time to register

The All-Ukrainian seminar-meeting for local self-government representatives will take place in the Odesa Oblast, Zatoka city, on 11-15 September.

The event is organised by the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils and is devoted to key decentralisation processes, prospects of the reforms and problematic issues of implementation of powers by local councils.

Participants will have the opportunity to communicate with the officials of central authorities, parliamentarians and leading experts in the format of a discussion.

At the same time, within the frames of the seminar-meeting specialised workshops and practical sessions will be held, where the experts in various fields will explain ways and mechanisms to overcome the difficulties in the work of local representative offices.

Officials of local self-government bodies can take part in the event.

In order to participate, please, fill in the QUESTIONNAIRE and send its scanned copy to an e-mail

Number of seats is limited. Registration lasts until 15 June.

15.05.2018 - 13:50 | Views: 8851
All-Ukrainian seminar-meeting to be held for local self-government in September: be in time to register




Українська асоціація районних та обласних рад

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