Head of Government initiates new format of cooperation with regions: open discussions of OSA heads with ministers
Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman launches a new format of cooperation with the regions, envisaging open discussions of heads of oblast state administrations with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the most relevant issues for each region. The first meeting of the kind was held at the Government House with the participation of line ministers and heads of the Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Kharkiv and Odesa Oblast State Administrations.
"I am dissatisfied with the level of cooperation with the regions and suggest a new format. We need to solve the problems that we face as quickly as possible, including within the frames of local powers," said the Head of Government. “We set ourselves the task to develop the economy. And the task of the regional authorities is to increase the resources we have provided, create a business climate, carry out serious de-shadowing in order for people to feel salary growth. We implement system-wide changes in education, healthcare, energy, energy efficiency. We would like to have coordinated work on the ground."
The Prime Minister drew attention to the fact that, for example, the national "Affordable Medicines" programme should in reality unite the entire state and reach every inhabitant of the most remote village. And it is the task of local government to provide such an access. The same concerns the "New Ukrainian School" programme. "We need strategic documents to be synchronised with regional programmes," said Volodymyr Groysman. “Thus, the purpose of the meetings with the ministers is to reach a new level of interaction when it is possible to solve problems."
The Head of Government stressed that the current situation in the economy is a big challenge and at the same time a set of opportunities in the agricultural business, in the field of entrepreneurship development, in the sphere of entering new commodity markets. But all steps need to be done simultaneously, then the efficiency of decisions at the state and regional levels will be unquestioned.

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