High-quality transport service is among basic ones for local self-government
Within the frames of decentralisation and intermunicipal cooperation it is very important to develop a transport model of cities, which, on the one hand, would ensure the safety and comfort of Ukrainians, and on the other hand, would integrate the surrounding hromadas into the transport infrastructure. The transport service must be of the same quality for both the city residents and the residents of the surrounding hromadas, emphasised Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during his working visit to Zhytomyr.
"Zhytomyr is an example of elaboration of a smart and complex transport model of the city. And this model not only works for the improvement of urban transport services, but is also an instrument of efficient management of the city transport system, enhances the city's competitiveness and attractiveness for investment. And this example should work in other cities as well. Most importantly, the transport model should work not for the transport, but for the person. It is part of the living space and it should be comfortable and safe," said Hennadii Zubko.
The transport model of Zhytomyr provides a step-by-step and integrated approach: the development of a network of public transport routes, construction of new trolleybus lines, introduction of a single electronic ticket and mobile services: GPS navigation and traffic timetable. GPS-system to monitor the operation of public transport, allowing to track the work of buses and monitor the execution of their schedule. It also includes development of a network of smart stops, night routes, introduction of a "Card of the Zhytomyr city dweller" to provide transportation of privileged persons, new transport network and integration of suburban routes, as well as development of cycling infrastructure.

Житомирська областьSource:
Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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