Volodymyr Groysman: Construction of hospitals and outpatient clinics is responsibility of local authorities

In accordance with the norms of the Ukrainian legislation, the issues of building hospitals and outpatient clinics fall within the authority of local government bodies of all levels, and nothing prevents them from construction of new outpatient clinics, wards and operating rooms, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.

"Who owns outpatient establishments, hospitals?" Local authorities do, whom we have transferred powers and resources. What prevents them from constructing a decent ward, operating room? Nothing!" noted Volodymyr Groysman.

He emphasised that the Government, for its part, does a lot to change the situation in the healthcare system.

"They say today that hospitals are in a terrible state. And it's true. But let's also mention that it was caused by the inappropriate policy of the past, when nobody was interested in healthcare, when the only interest was to control the purchase of medicines – i.e. billions, or to buy equipment stealing 30-50% (of its cost),” said the Head of Government. “Ulyana Suprun arrived and began to break these schemes. And we, as the Government, chose the path of changing the healthcare system."

The Prime Minister gave examples of the implemented projects for the construction of new hospitals, as well as programmes implementation – namely, "Affordable Medicines" programme.

"I will proceed with focusing on the increase of doctors’ salaries," said Volodymyr Groysman. “We will also introduce the programme of support and development of emergency healthcare."

23.04.2018 - 11:11 | Views: 10420
Volodymyr Groysman: Construction of hospitals and outpatient clinics is responsibility of local authorities


Volodymyr Groysman healthcare


Урядовий портал

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