Video report on first steps of healthcare reform in Tyachiv Rayon

The first main step to reform the heathcare sector in the Tyachiv Rayon has already been made. Following the decision of the rayon council session, the primary healthcare centre was established here at the end of March. It includes all outpatient clinics of the general practice of family medicine and rural health posts, except for those operating in the Tyachivska and Vilkhovetska AHs.

Tetiana Lebedeva, acting head of the centre, says the main current task is to withstand all legal procedures and obtain licenses. All healthcare facilities will soon be funded in a different way. Currently there are 29 outpatient clinics and 27 rural health posts in the rayon, not taking into account the AHs. After creation of a capable network outpatient mono-practice clinics and so-called health points will operate on the basis of rural health posts. The number of medical staff will also be adjusted. Now there are about 120 general practitioners and 600 people of medical personnel in the rayon. Unfortunately, patients still cannot choose their doctor and conclude an agreement with him/her. There is no appropriate equipment for this. Details are featured in the video:





Закарпатська область


Тячівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Тячівська територіальна громада



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