Participatory budget operates in Kochubeyivska AH

The Kochubeyivska amalgamated hromada is known not only in the Kherson Oblast, but also throughout Ukraine. Its head Ivan Dudar, is trying to keep up with the time, to use the latest technologies of development, and today Kochubeyivka is an example not only for other AHs to follow, but also for the cities of the oblast. Thus, not every oblast centre can boast of the "participatory budget" – when residents participate in the allocation of budget expenditures and control their spending. And this mechanism has been already operating in the Kochubeyivska hromada, and residents of all 14 villages of the AH can get funding to solve their own problems.

Everything began almost a year ago, when the AH village council of approved the Provision "On the Participatory Budget", elaborated jointly by the experts from the NGO "Prychornomorskyi Political and Social Research Centre". There was a public discussion prior to the adoption of the document. General meetings took place in the hromada villages, with the participation of the AH head, during which the residents expressed their attitude to the new mechanism.

The village residents were informed that participatory budget is the part of the AH budget, where expenditures are determined directly by the hromada members. The elaborated document nshrines the right of each settlement to determine the projects for the sum proportional to the share of its population.

Though there are not so many proposals from the hromada, but they are working on them more actively than last year. The AH head said that so far the proposals may concern any topics, but in future a separate topic will be chosen every year. He is confident that when people see that something is done, their activity will increase.

Currently, all the projects are in the process of implementation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Херсонська область


Кочубеївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Кочубеївська територіальна громада


«Рідна Херсонщина»

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