Due to decentralisation, the Bilozirka village council of the Cherkasy Oblast managed to allocate apartments to young doctors, besides, they are paid extra money from the hromada budget, so that the average salary amounted to UAH 8-10 thousand, informed Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman in Facebook.
"The increased revenues allowed to completely renovate the outpatient clinic within two months, although previously there was no toilet or water supply in the premises, and the roof had a leak." In order to attract young doctors to the village, the village council allocated apartments to them. Extra money are paid from the AH budget so that the average salary amounted to UAH 8-10 thousand. As the chief doctor of the outpatient clinic says, every young specialist would dream of working in Bilozirka," wrote Volodymyr Groysman.
He mentioned that before amalgamation into AH, the budget amounted to UAH 8 million, after amalgamation it became UAH 47 million, own revenues to the budget have increased from UAH 5 million to UAH 20 million.
13 March 2025
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10 March 2025
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07 March 2025
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26 February 2025
Не кожна громада має Центр професійного розвитку для педагогів. Який вихід?
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Авторка: Марія Булейко (Марковська) Спочатку в теперішній Калуській громаді, що на Івано-Франківщині, був...