Cooperation of hromadas is effective territory development tool – as discussed in "Modern Hromada" programme

Amalgamation and cooperation of hromadas do not exclude but complement each other. These processes can take place simultaneously. Both are the hromada development tools. This topic was discussed in the "Modern Hromada" programme of the Ukrainian Radio with the participation of Ivan Lukerya, expert of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion of Ukraine, and representatives of local self-government.

About 150 agreements on hromadas’ cooperation in various spheres have been concluded In Ukraine. Experts advise hromadas to actively apply this tool, as it enables them to solve complex tasks and implement expensive projects that, in turn, create conditions for providing quality services to hromada residents.

Detailed discussion in the “Modern Hromada” programme is available HERE

The "Modern Hromada" is released with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme each Wednesday at 19:30.

It is worth mentioning that the state stimulation of hromadas’ cooperation is determined at the legislative level.

Article 15 of the Law On cooperation of Hromadas regulates that state stimulation of coopetation is carried out by means of:

  • provision of subventions to local budgets of cooperation parties in the priority areas of state policy;
  • transfer of state-owned objects into communal ownership of cooperation parties;
  • methodological, organisational and other support of activities of cooperation parties.

Besides, the state promotes cooperation in case if:

  • capacity of cooperation parties to ensure the realisation of the powers, determined by the law, is strengthened;
  • additional resources, including financial ones, are involved in cooperation;
  • cooperation is carried out by more than three cooperation parties;
  • participation of the public in cooperation is ensured.

"The answers to the topical questions on the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Cooperation of Hromadas" can be found HERE


29.03.2018 - 13:44 | Views: 12731
Cooperation of hromadas is effective territory development tool – as discussed in "Modern Hromada" programme


I.Lukerya cooperation


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