Hromadas will be able to create modern websites and applications themselves on Dosvit single electronic platform

The NGO SocialBoost, a partner of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Programme "Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency" (DOBRE), announced the creation of a single electronic platform Dosvit ( The platform will be the basis for operation of hromadas’ websites, enabling managers and residents to have access to development investment tools and citizen participation mechanisms.

The Dosvit platform is currently in the process of development, and the hromadas themselves are directly involved in the elaboration of the list of functions and requirements for the platform.

Due to the platform, hromadas will receive their own websites with rich functionality and a single control panel for all applications. There is no more need to download dozens of websites to receive useful information maps, information on hromada for a potential investor or residents, local budget documentation, public opinion survey services or information for the implementation of the participatory budget, investment project catalogs, real estate registers, tourist services, etc. From now on, all this functionality can be obtained on one platform.

Quick and easy access to the required information through a single platform is the approach that platform developers seek to distribute primarily among all hromadas-partners of DOBRE. Currently, 7 test hromadas have been selected to participate for the platform to be launched in May-June 2018.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.03.2018 - 16:38 | Views: 10526
Hromadas will be able to create modern websites and applications themselves on Dosvit single electronic platform


Український кризовий медіа центр

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