Initiative to improve child development conditions in hromadas presented at MinRegion

On 5 March, MinRegion presented the initiative of the Ministry of Social Policy and the UNICEF Ukraine Office, aimed at creating favourable conditions for the development and upbringing of children in hromadas.

The initiative is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It envisages encouragement of cities and amalgamated hromadas to implement practices aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the child on their territory.

“The whole world is being built around a child. And there is development and success, where children are better cared for. It is not a philosophy, it’s practice. If the hromada provides proper conditions for children to be brought up, get education, engage in sports or creativity, receive high-quality healthcare and other services, feel comfortable and safe, for their parents to have a job and decent salary, then this hromada will ensure a successful future. That is why we support this initiative and note its urgency in conditions of decentralisation, when hromadas, in addition to their desire to develop, have significant powers and resources,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, during the discussion of the initiative.

MinRegion, Ministry of Social Policy and Ministry of Youth and Sports plan to join the implementation of the initiative that should begin already within the next month.

Attached images:


V.Nehoda youth



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