First cooperation agreement signed between hromadas of Kherson Oblast

The first two amalgamated hromadas of the Kherson Oblast entered into an agreement on intermunicipal cooperation. It concerns cooperation of hromadas in the form of implementation of the joint project “Creation of a tourist and recreational cluster in the Askania-Nova and Prysyvaska AHs”.

Both hromadas have a strong tourist potential that can be only strengthened by cooperation. The world-renowned F. E. Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve “Askania Nova” was visited by about 10 thousand tourists in 2017. And the Prysyvaska AH is famous for the pink lake Syvash with no analogues in Europe. The lake has a large concentration of salt and therapeutic clay, attracting tourists as a recreational area.

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05.03.2018 - 17:26 | Views: 14581
First cooperation agreement signed between hromadas of Kherson Oblast




Херсонська область


Асканія-Нова селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Присиваська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Асканія-Нова територіальна громада Присиваська територіальна громада


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