DOBRE team met activists in Zakarpattya Oblast to support them in amalgamation

The DOBRE team visited the hromada of the village of Nevytske in the Uzhgorod Rayon, which is thinking on amalgamation with its neighbours. DOBRE programme manager Barry Rerd and programme experts talked about hromada support opportunities, and the heads of AHs from the Ternopil, Dnipropetrovsk and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts shared their own experience of amalgamation, attraction of investments and problems to be avoided in order for the new hromada to become successful.

“The DOBRE programme is a programme of the Government of the United States of America, designed to support the reform of decentralisation in Ukraine. We work with hromadas that have passed the selection process and provide them with expert and financial support. At present, these are fifty hromadas in seven oblasts of Ukraine. It is very important for us to distribute information about the decentralisation reform, its successes and opportunities, so that as many settlements on the territory of Ukraine as possible are aware of all aspects of the reform. It is necessary to show the successful practices and certain achieved results of our AH partners to hromadas that are in the process of amalgamation, or are only considering this opportunity,” said Barry Reed, DOBRE programme manager.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Закарпатська область


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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