“Where one wants to live”. Baykivtsi became example for all Ukraine to follow

An observatory in the school, two new kindergartens, legendary football player as a coach for pupils – and this is not the whole list the Baykovetska AH can surprise with.

The administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine started in 2015. Literally a year ago, there were 26 amalgamated hromadas in the Ternopil Oblast, and today – there are 42 of them. As for the other oblasts of the country, the decentralisation marathon began successfully there as well. Until recently the Ternopil Oblast was one of the first oblasts of Ukraine in terms of the number of AHs. However, today the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is a champion with 61 AHs established.

The Baykovetska rural AH is an example of how decentralisation rolls out in our oblast, being the model not only for the oblast, but also for the whole country to follow since the first days of the territorial reform. Here the roads, schools and hospitals were repaired, a charity auction was held, there is an observatory worth of UAH 1.8 million. The hromada has six stadiums, develops sewage treatment facilities and takes part in international projects. There are plans to make the village of Baykivtsi a town till 2027 – with the market, construction of a central square and another infrastructure development.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.03.2018 - 09:10 | Views: 9304
“Where one wants to live”. Baykivtsi became example for all Ukraine to follow


Тернопільська область



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