Capable hromadas will never embark on separatism path, — Hennadii Zubko

It is extremely important for Ukraine as a country that now suffers from separatism manifestation, annexation of the Crimea, temporary occupation of the Donbas, to create a solid foundation for self-sufficient hromadas, none of which will be interested in separation. Decentralisation is the tool for this. Hromadas that have a management system, independently resolve all issues, receive direct funds, both delegated by the state, or through the collection of taxes in their territories, will not embark on the path of separation. Amalgamation into the capable hromadas makes separatism impossible, said Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, in the “Podiya” (“Event”) programme with Mykola Veresen on “Pryamyi” TV Channel.

“The issue of further consolidation of rayons is topical. We need them to perform only the functions they obtain. This is a matter of cooperation between hromadas. This is a matter of common infrastructure, roads, schools, high schools, vocational schools, colleges. Perhaps, this is about some hospitals required by several hromadas. Solving the issue of further consolidation within the oblasts is possible at the legislative level,” said Hennadii Zubko.

The governor emphasised the responsibility of local self-government bodies. “On the one hand, the state must transfer powers, resources and funds. But on the other hand, if the legislation of Ukraine or the Constitution of Ukraine are violated, then someone has to react and apply to the court regarding such decisions. Here, we still need to look for answers, look for leverage and relevant tools. At the same time, such instruments should be of monitoring and controlling kind rather than a punitive one,” Hennadii Zubko noted.

23.02.2018 - 12:43 | Views: 6913
Capable hromadas will never embark on separatism path, — Hennadii Zubko




Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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