Establishment of Serpnevska AH discussed in Tarutyne Rayon

The issue of formation of a capable amalgamated hromada with its centre in the village of Serpneve was discussed during a working visit of Yuliya Molodozhen, director of the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, and decentralisation adviser Oksana Hunenkova.

LGDC experts met with the representatives of the Serpneve and Berezyne Settlement Councils, as well as Tarutyne Rayon Council, and discussed the process of hromadas’ amalgamation. The participants of the meeting were concerned about the peculiarities of filling the AH budgets, distribution of funds among all the members of amalgamation, and consideration of the interests of each hromada in the future joint functioning, as well as possible options for amalgamation in the Tarutyne Rayon.

“Considering amalgamation prospects, all participants of this process should be aware that established hromadas should be capable to assume most of the powers currently exercised by the rayon state administrations and rayon councils, and to ensure an adequate level of provision of public services to the population,” noted Yuliya Molodozhen.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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