Modern outpatient clinic was opened in Bilozirska AH

The first primary healthcare centre in the AHs of the Cherkasy Oblast was opened in Bilozirya of the Cherkasy Rayon.

According to Iryna Hryshchenko, deputy head of the Bilozirska amalgamated hromada, the branch of the rayon hospital with 10 beds was located in these premises before. Now this branch will move to another building. Instead, 8 additional beds for day-patient treatment were installed in the primary healthcare centre (outpatient clinic of family healthcare).

The centre has a chief physician, four family doctors, one therapist and one pediatrician, a chief nurse and ten nurses. Doctors’ salary is over UAH 10 thousand.

“Doctors from all over Ukraine – Luhansk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Smila – came to work in Bilozirya,” told Anatoliy Kovalenko, chief physician of the institution.

Those of them, namely two persons, who did not have their dwelling place, were provided with apartments, located in the reconstructed former school building.

More than UAH 2 million of the state subvention, allocated for the development of the AH, were spent on the premises’ overhauling. In addition, the Red Cross helped with the blankets and bed linen, and the affiliate branch of the Scientific and Manufacturing Firm “Urozhay” assisted in reception area furnishing.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

22.02.2018 - 09:49 | Views: 15553
Modern outpatient clinic was opened in Bilozirska AH

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Черкаська область


Білозірська територіальна громада


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