Delegation of the Donetsk Oblast together with their colleagues from the Luhansk Oblast took part in the study visit to the Zhytomyr Oblast. The study tour organised within the frames of UNDP was dedicated to the topic of “Fiscal decentralisation on the ground and attraction of additional resources”.
Representatives of amalgamated hromadas, NGOs, as well as Directorate for Implementation of Reforms and Decentralisation of the Department of Information and Internal Policy of the Donetsk Oblast State Administration came to get acquainted with experience of the Zhytomyr Oblast.
The partners from UNDP invited Serhiy Ivakhnin, local finance adviser of the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, to participate in the study tour as well.
During the visit, the participants exchanged experience in the areas of economic development of territories, optimisation of financial resources, and attraction of additional resources, with representatives of AHs and local self-governments of the Zhytomyr Oblast. They attended the Baranivska urban amalgamated hromada, the towns of Novohrad-Volynskyi and Korosten, where they became acquainted with municipal development projects, town’s experience in tourism development and restoration of cultural objects, investment potential, activities of the Administrative Service Centre and public organisations.
The Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre was a platform for discussion. The delegation got acquainted with the work of the LGDC, and discussed the points of growth of the economy of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts together with the experts. Detailed attention was paid to the possibilities of using solid household waste as a new source of income for the territory.
Besides, the Donetsk Oblast residents visited the industrial park in Korosten, in particular, the production site of domestic investors: Korosten MDF plant, Organic-Milk and others. The visit provided an opportunity to exchange experience in AH budget formation and attraction of additional resources.
According to Serhiy Ivakhnin, a study trip to the Zhytomyr Oblast made it possible to finally realise that it will be impossible to reach hromadas’ capability without economic growth of the territory.
Attached images:
Донецька область Житомирська область Луганська областьSource:
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Авторка: Олександра Койдель, зовнішня експертка Програми "U-LEAD з Європою" Довгострокове відновлення України...