First decentralisation hackathon was held in Lviv

On 16-18 February, the first hackathon for decentralisation “DeHack Lviv 2018” aimed at development of solutions needed by amalgamated hromadas, was held in Lviv. In the course of three days, the participants had to create prototypes of IT solutions that would help AHs in their development or become the starting platform for addressing the problems of decentralisation.

More than 60 participants from across the country and some European countries had an opportunity to chat with AH representatives, learn more about the process of hromadas’ amalgamation and the decentralisation reform in general. 9 mentors from different fields of activity – development, open data use, business modeling, marketing and fundraising – assisted the participants in the development of IT solutions. In addition, during the hackathon, the participants had the chance to visit open discussion panels in the areas such as design-thinking, experience of smart city implementation, etc.

As a result of the hackathon, six jury members chose three best ideas that were awarded with prizes from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme:

  • the 3rd place was taken by the Upcity team, that created a prototype platform for coverage of AH problems and decentralisation, as well as involvement and activation of hromada members through a communication platform with game elements that will enable to reward AH residents for their activity;
  • the 2nd place went to the Serious Guys team that developed design of a service to determine the cost-efficiency of using alternative (e.g. solar and wind) energy using time series analysis based on available lighting and wind data, collected by satellites and meteorological stations;
  • The Well Baked Cookies team won the 1st place in a fierce competition by creating the basis for the crowdfunding platform, which helps to find funds for a particular hromada project or attract other citizens for its further implementation, involving citizens to download their own proposals.

The winning teams received prizes that will allow them to continue developing their own IT solutions.

Attached images:


Львівська область


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