On 29 April, first elections will be held in 40 amalgamated hromadas – CEC decision

On 16 February, the Central Election Commission appointed elections in 40 amalgamated hromadas (4 urban, 14 settlement, 22 rural AHs) for Sunday, 29 April 2018 (DOWNLOAD the list of AHs). These 40 AHs included 133 local councils (urban – 4, settlement – 16, village – 113).

In particular, the Vinnytsia Oblast will hold such elections in one AH, the Volyn Oblast – in one AH, the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast - in 4 AHs, the Donetsk Oblast – in one AH, the Zaporizhzhia Oblast – in 7 AHs, the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast – in 2 AHs, the Kirovohrad Oblast – in 3 AHs, the Luhansk Oblast - in one AH, the Odesa Oblast – in 3 AHs, the Poltava Oblast – in 2 AHs, the Rivne Oblast – in 3 AHs, the Sumy Oblast – in one AH, the Ternopil Oblast – in 2 AHs, the Kharkiv Oblast – in 4 AHs, the Kherson Oblast – in one AH, the Khmelnytsky Oblast – in 2 AHs, the Chernivtsi Oblast – in 2 AHs.

In addition, the CEC appointed for 29 April the additional elections of deputies in the communities which joined Ahs (DOWNLOAD the list). In particular, the Zhytomyr Oblast will hold such elections in two settlement councils, the Zaporizhzhia Oblast - in one village council, the Kharkiv Oblast – in one village council, the Chernivtsi oblast – in one village council.

The commission announced the start of the electoral process of these elections on 10 March 2018.

After the elections of 29 April, a total of 705 AHs will be established in Ukraine.


16.02.2018 - 17:11 | Views: 33098
On 29 April, first elections will be held in 40 amalgamated hromadas – CEC decision

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elections CEC



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