We have to complete decentralisation reform. It requires constitutional changes, - Volodymyr Groysman

Accomplishment of the decentralisation reform is among the top priorities that need to be resolved jointly by all branches of government to build a just, democratic and economically developed state, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during his address to the Ukrainian Parliament.

"For four years we have done a lot, but at the same time, I know for certain that we have done little. We have not passed the point of no return. We need to change the country, make it truly democratic, truly developed. I am deeply convinced that people do not expect us to compete with political rankings one and a half years before the election. We must understand that we have a chance to make crucial decisions before the elections (...) We have to complete the decentralisation reform. To do this, we need to introduce constitutional changes, consolidate local self-government at all levels, starting from the hromada and ending with the oblasts.said the head of the Ukrainian Government.

He also stressed the importance of resolving the conflict of powers in the state.

"We must ultimately decide whether we are a parliamentary-presidential country or a presidential-parliamentary one. We must define the areas of responsibility and competence of all levels of government, specify clearly who is responsible for what. Then we will get a completely different quality of public administration", noted Volodymyr Groysman.

Besides, the Prime Minister of Ukraine called the establishment of an anti-corruption court among the top-priority tasks of the government.

"We need to fight corruption, and therefore we need to establish an anti-corruption court in this convocation at this session. And not just establish it, but make it so that this court sentenced the first rulings to those corruptionists who confused their own pocket with the national interests.”

The Head of Government called the current electoral system in the country inadmissible, stating that it is corrupting the electoral process.

"It became the norm in our country to buy votes. We have the chance to change it. We need to create a normal transparent system where everyone can realise themselves. And when a quality dialogue with Ukrainian society is built, when we respect people, coming to the elections, and promise only what we can do, and not buy for money, often stolen money, the votes of Ukrainians,” said the Prime Minister.

10.02.2018 - 09:10 | Views: 18713
We have to complete decentralisation reform. It requires constitutional changes, - Volodymyr Groysman



Volodymyr Groysman Constitution


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