Odesa Local Government Development Centre published illustrated atlas for amalgamated hromadas

The Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, issued an illustrated atlas “Territory development planning: infrastructure projects of the world” for the amalgamated hromadas.

The publication seeks to broaden the idea of ​​hromada representatives about infrastructure projects, implemented at different times in different countries with contribution to economic development. The emphasis is on large projects to perceive the scale of the idea, impact of these projects on the territory development, and gradually move away from filing applications for funding of the development projects such as “replacement of windows, repair of the roof etc.”

“When analysing project applications submitted by hromadas for funding from the State Fund for Regional Development or through an infrastructure subvention, we see that “development” is often limited to addressing the acute issues of replacing windows, repairing roofs, and rebuilding schools ... But we want hromadas to gradually move away from “holes’ patching” and start thinking on the possibility of creating a project that would attract tourists, create jobs or simply become a business card for the hromada,” said Yulia Molodozhen, director of the Odesa LGDC.

The atlas will be presented to the representatives of all 25 AHs in February at the event devoted to the results of decentralisation in the Odesa Oblast.

29.01.2018 - 10:31 | Views: 10779
Odesa Local Government Development Centre published illustrated atlas for amalgamated hromadas




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