The Horodnyanska urban amalgamated hromada could once become the first hromada to amalgamate in the Chernihiv Oblast. Hromada’s head Andriy Bohdan was one of the first mayors who believed in the reform of local self-government. Though for some objective reasons, the Horodnyanska hromada held its first elections only on 24 December 2017. Thus, Andriy Bohdan shares the plans and prospects the hromada starts its “amalgamated” path.
- Mr Bohdan, tell please, where did you start your work in hromada, what are your first steps?
“Due to the fact that elections took place on 24 December 2017, our hromada entered the new year without an approved budget. Therefore, all our actions are aimed at solving organisational issues: we assembled the executive committee, held the first session, approved the structure. We are promptly working on the budget so that we can pay salaries and move on. In addition, we collect information from starostas about issues that require urgent solutions.”
- Do you believe in the reform of decentralisation?
“Definitely, I do. The reform is essential and proved to be effective. It is necessary to break the old system, which showed its non-viability. Dialogue with the population and powerful awareness raising work are needed. People often do not understand what is happening. They are accustomed to being performers and wait for directions.
Today there is a threat to the reform. It is planned to entitle hromadas with responsibilities the state must perform. If tomorrow we get nonrelevant powers, we will not be able to do anything. And they will say: “You see, self-government cannot develop, so the state has to rule.” Though around the world, local government is the basic unit of self-government, and let the state deal with the state issues. In our turn, we will work on the development of our hromadas, to make them capable and successful.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
amalgamation of hromadas Andrii Bohdan
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Городнянська міська об'єднана територіальна громада Городнянська територіальна громадаSource:
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