Hromadas of Poltava Oblast learned to model primary healthcare work

Joint efforts of specialists, authorities of all levels and constructive public in the form of an open dialogue allow to explain and accept innovations, as well as eliminate the negative influence of stereotypes.

The Poltava Local Government Development Centre (established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion) takes an active part in the complicated consulting and educational process.

Recently, the LGDC gathered the heads and chief doctors of healthcare institutions of amalgamated hromadas of the Poltava Oblast to model the work of the primary level institutions within new conditions. Practical training was held with the participation of Oksana Syvak, chairman of the Board of the Medical Design Centre and expert of the “Rural Healthcare” project office, and local specialists: Viktor Lysak, director of the Department of Health of the Poltava Oblast State Administration, and Oleksandr Isyp, decentralisation expert of the Poltava LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.12.2017 - 15:30 | Views: 14694
Hromadas of Poltava Oblast learned to model primary healthcare work

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Полтавська область


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