What should amalgamated hromadas do after first elections – methodological recommendations and document samples

Experts from the Central Reform Office under MinRegion prepared methodological recommendations on operational planning in amalgamated hromadas. (DOWNLOAD).

The collection presents draft decisions typical for amalgamated hromadas and concern various aspects of local regulation of the activity of the relevant council and structural subdivisions of its executive bodies.

In the course of preparation of this collection, the authors used their own experience in supporting the activities of the first AHs set up in 2015, as well as the experience of hromadas established later.

When using the provided templates, it is worth taking into account that it is not a mandatory indication of how to act. It is more of an adviser, work benchmark to follow while preparing draft decisions.

The authors:

Vira Kozina – senior legal expert of the analytical and legal group of the CRO under MinRegion,

Lesya Fedchenko – legal expert of the analytical and legal group of the CRO under MinRegion,

Yanina Kazyuk – financial decentralisation coordinator of the CRO under MinRegion,

Svitlana Demydenko – expense powers expert of the financial monitoring group of the CRO under MinRegion.

The methodological recommendations were developed with the support of U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and development Programme.

26.12.2017 - 11:05 | Views: 29622
What should amalgamated hromadas do after first elections – methodological recommendations and document samples

Attached files:


legal counselling legal counselling amalgamation Vira Kozina Lesia Fedchenko Yanina Kazyuk


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