Renovation of schools and roads – 1st anniversary of Vashkivetska AH

Achievements of the amalgamated hromada. One year after its establishment, a young and promising Vashkivetska AH in the Chernivtsi Oblast has got the first achievements and firm intentions to become capable and strong. A year ago, the pupils of the Babyn village school were sitting at lessons in their outer clothes. Now it has become warmer and more comfortable there for schoolchildren and teachers.

When the village of Babyn accessed the Vashkivetska hromada last year, the local educational complex, attended by over a hundred pupils and preschoolers, received UAH 300 thousand of the state subvention. These funds were also spent on the new computer equipment and renovation of lavatories.

Ivan Havrylyuk, director of the Babyn educational complex: “They were shabby, water was lacking there, plumbing was old. We have redesigned everything, put a brand new tile on the floor and on the walls.”

“Over the year, the most significant improvements were made in all six settlements of the Vashkivetska hromada,” says Andriy Pryimak, deputy head of the town. Now a major renovation of the premises for the Administrative Service Centre is being done. Besides, they are thinking of creating new jobs to become a capable, economically strengthened AH, as the greatest problem of these villages is the lack of jobs. Many men and women work abroad.”

Andriy Pryimak, deputy head of the Vashkivetska AH: “Together with the hromada we see the development of joint communal enterprise in the development of horticulture and berry growing. We are also working to establish a meat processing unit for the European partners ready to fund.”

To develop further, the hromada asks state legislators to enshrine the possibility of their own land management in law.

14.12.2017 - 09:24 | Views: 8343



Чернівецька область


Вашківецька міська об’єднана територіальна громада Вашківецька територіальна громада



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