Press tour in Mykolayiv Oblast: story on how oblast journalists studied “success story” of Veselynivska AH

A new kindergarten, hub secondary school and renovated building of the primary healthcare centre. Press representatives of the Mykolayiv Oblast, in particular journalists of the Nova Odesa, Novyi Buh, Bashtanka, and Vitovskyi Rayons, as well as journalists of the “Mykolayiv” TV channel, headed by Yuliya Pochebut, communications expert of the Mykolayiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, tried to find out the changes in the healthcare and educational sectors in the Veselynivska hromada after amalgamation.

The Veselynivska hromada started its work in January 2017, amalgamating the Veselynivka and Tokarivka rural settlement councils and Zelenivka, Lubyanka and Porichchya village councils. The AH comprised 23 settlements with about 12 thousand citizens.

Oleksandr Rumyantsev, head of the Veselynivska AH, says that since hromada’s establishment all the efforts have been directed towards education. “Having no instructions and guidance, we set our feet on this path, launching a strategic campaign in different directions. First of all, we took lead on our education and ensured a successful curriculum fulfillment, despite the fact that the process of reorganisation was carried out in the middle of the school year. We were told that children would not receive their school certificates in time, but we have jointly solved all the problems. We all have succeeded!” said Oleksandr Rumyantsev, head of the Veselynivska AH.

08.12.2017 - 08:48 | Views: 13157
Press tour in Mykolayiv Oblast: story on how oblast journalists studied “success story” of Veselynivska AH

Attached images:


Миколаївська область


Веселинівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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