“New opportunities should be granted to hromadas that have taken new powers and responsibility,” Association of AHs appealed to Parliament  

The Association of amalgamated hromadas hopes that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will be consistent in the legislative support of reforms and will pass a draft law No 7118, extending the powers of amalgamated hromadas in the field of land relations.

The community of amalgamated hromadas once again appealed to the leaders of the Parliament and parliamentary factions with request to take into account the Association's position regarding the provision of amalgamated hromadas with of the right to land resources disposal.

“New opportunities should be granted only to the amalgamated hromadas, that have assumed new powers and new responsibility. And it should be a powerful reform incentive for the rest of hromadas,” the Association’s letter reads.

The letter of the Association of AHs is available HERE


27.11.2017 - 12:19 | Views: 10776
“New opportunities should be granted to hromadas that have taken new powers and responsibility,” Association of AHs appealed to Parliament  

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AOTH land


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