List of 20 most forward-looking mayors was announced in Ukraine

City mayors of Uzhhorod, Chernihiv, Glukhiv and Irpin got into the “Rating of the Ukrainian Innovative Mayors”.

This is reported by the organisers of the project – the "Ukrayinska Pravda” and International Mayors Summit.

It is noted that within 2 weeks a professional jury and ordinary Ukrainians were suggesting the candidates of mayors working on changes and introducing innovations in their cities.

As a result, the professional jury chose the top 20 mayors out of 400 applications received.

The list of 20 mayors-innovators includes: Bohdan Andriyiv (Uzhhorod), Vladyslav Atroshenko (Chernihiv), Anatoliy Beley (Brody), Yuriy Bova (Trostyanets), Vadym Boychenko (Mariupol), Volodymyr Harazd (Dolyna), Volodymyr Karplyuk (Irpin), Oleksiy Kaspruk (Chernivtsi), Taras Kuchma (Drohobych), Vitaliy Lukov (Voznesensk), as well as Ruslan Martsinkiv (Ivano-Frankivsk), Volodymyr Mykolayenko (Kherson), Serhiy Morhunov (Vinnytsya), Serhiy Nadal (Ternopil), Oleksandr Symchyshyn (Khmelnytskyi), Ihor Slyuzar (Kolomyia), Serhiy Solomakha (Myrhorod), Serhiy Sukhomlyn (Zhytomyr), Michel Tereshchenko (Hlukhiv) and Volodymyr Khomko (Rivne).

It is noted that only the innovativeness of the mayor and practices introduced by him were taken into account at the first stage of voting. The evaluation criteria were in line with the European Capital of Innovation World ranking, and concerned innovations in all areas of city residents’ life: urban planning, public services, culture, healthcare, environment, safety and security, communication, entrepreneurship, startup ecosystem, and city brand.

During the second stage the jury members will also evaluate the transparency, impartiality, honesty and reputation of the mayor among city residents.

The names of 5 finalists selected by the professional jury will be announced on 28-29 November at the International Mayors Summit, organised in Kyiv by the Western NIS Enterprise Fund.

“The first stage of the selection process concerned exclusively the innovations introduced by the mayors. At the second stage, in order to form the top 5 rating, we will consider the criteria relating to transparency and reputation, with account of the media materials,” explained Sevgil Musayeva, editor-in-chief of the “Ukrayinska Pravda”.

From 29 November till 22 December, a popular voting will take place on the website of the “Ukrayinska Pravda”, that will determine the most forward-looking mayor.

It is noted that the rating includes mayors of the cities with a population of up to 500,000 people, who use creative and innovative solutions to solve local problems.

Their activities were analysed by 10 criteria that correspond to the world ranking analogues (European Capital of Innovation).


Yurii Bova


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