96% of state subvention funds have already been split by amalgamated hromadas between infrastructure development projects

As of 12 October, the commission under MinRegion has agreed 1733 infrastructure projects of amalgamated hromadas (AHs) to be implemented by the end of this year with the funds of the relevant state subvention. The total cost of the agreed projects is 1.45 billion UAH, or 96% of the planned subvention funds for the development of AHs infrastructure in 2017.

Out of 366 AHs that receive infrastructure subventions this year, 363 hromadas have already submitted their projects.

Only three AHs have not yet submitted projects for consideration by the commission: Lykhivska (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast), Kalytianska and Piskivska (Kyiv Oblast).

As reported, the state provides support to AHs, in particular, for restoring and developing the infrastructure of their territories. To do this, the State Budget for 2017 provided UAH 1.5 billion. These funds will be allocated for the infrastructure development of 366 AHs established in 2015-2016.

The issue of providing subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the formation of infrastructure of AHs is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 200 dated 16 March 2016.


subvention subvention 2017



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