The Draft Law on state registration of territorial communities is approved by the Committee of Verkhovna Rada

The Committee of Verkhovna Rada for industrial policy and entrepreneurship approved the draft Law #3106 “On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine as to Peculiarities of State Registration of Local Self-government Bodies as Legal Persons”. The information was reported by the First deputy Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Negoda.

According to the Deputy Minister, the draft law should regulate the relations and remove legal drawbacks, emerging as a result of state registration of a local self-government body of a unified community as a legal person. 

“Re-registration of 159 village, settlement, city councils of unified territorial communities and 159 respective executive committees is required; termination of activity of approximately 1200 local councils has to be registered as well. For this a clear procedure is required, and this procedure is provided by the draft law”, Vyacheslav Negoda noted.

We should remind, that previously Мinregion addressed the The Committee of Verkhovne Rada of Ukraine for industrial policy and entrepreneurship with a request to consider and approve the adoption of the draft Law “On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine as to Peculiarities of State Registration of Local Self-government Bodies as Legal Persons”, registered in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on September 2015 under # 3106.

The aforementioned draft law was included into the approved Plan-schedule of implementation of activities on solution of first-priority problems of unified territorial communities, according to the results of the meeting held on October 5, 2015, by the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman, which involved Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko.

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