EU to grant € 90 million to support decentralization projects in Ukraine

The European Union is ready to provide to Ukraine 90 million euros aimed for decentralization projects. EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn announced during a meeting with Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko.

According to Johannes Hahn, now it is crucial to establish cooperation between Ukrainian and European experts in order to determine specific projects to be financed from these funds.

Hennadii Zubko stressed that the Ukrainian side offers to set up 40 sub-regional groups to support reforms as part of the technical assistance to Reform Offices, including the allocation of considerable finance to maintain ties with the society and to train: "Such groups will provide technical assistance through training of local authorities at all levels. In addition, the teams will also coordinate the training of the newly elected MPs and civil servants regarding their new managing responsibilities".

"Another direction the EU funds will be spent to is enhancement of the State Fund of Regional Development, especially taking into account the additional investment needs to establish and enlarge services of the united communities," said Hennadii Zubko.

The Vice Prime Minister stressed that Ukraine counts on the support of the European partners and the provision of expert assistance in the adaptation and implementation of new legislation in regional policy.

"We are interested in creating a network of agencies or offices to train staff in the regions to ensure elaboration and implementation of regional development projects, including project analysis and management of investment projects", said the official.

"Ukraine relies on expert assistance of the European partners in the process of amending the Constitution of Ukraine. For us it is also crucial facilitation in the development of a package of laws on decentralization in 22 areas, especially basic laws on self-government, the prefects, administrative and territorial structure, land relations, tax and budget laws, social standards, administrative services, local police", accentuated Hennadii Zubko.



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