Groysman: Law amending some legislative acts of Ukraine as to organization of 1st election to local councils and election of village, small town and city heads — "real decentralization," "real freedom" for 1,500 communities

The Law on the introduction of amendments into some legislative acts of Ukraine as to the organization of the first election to local councils and election of village, small town and city heads is "what we call real decentralization."
Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman said this at the discussion of respective draft law at the Friday plenary meeting.

At that the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada noted that the draft law "gives freedom to 1,500 communities" formed of 500,000 citizens and will 2.5 times increase communities' budgets starting early next year.

The Law of Ukraine "On introduction of amendments into some legislative acts of Ukraine as to the organization of the first election to local councils and election of village, small town and city heads" was adopted with 227 votes of the Verkhovna Rada deputies.


Press Service of Verkhovna Rada

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