The Government will Channel more than UAH 1.6 Billion for the Enhancement of Facilities and Resources of Schools, Purchase of Buses, and Support of Education in the Amalgamated Communities

The Government reallocated UAH 1,615,896,000.00 of the stand-by funds and the unallocated proceeds of the educational subsidy to enhance facilities and resources of schools, continue purchasing of buses for pivotal schools, and support education in the amalgamated territorial communities.

 A greater part of those funds, that is UAH 1,598,873,800.00, were taken from the unallocated proceeds of the educational subsidy for 2016. 

"The reallocation of those funds of the educational subsidy will allow us to materially support the Ukrainian education: prevent arrears in wages to employees of institutions of general education and in payments for public utilities and energy resources, and, what is no less important, channel funds for the further development of the Ukrainian education", Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Lilia Hrynevych emphasised.

 Due to the reallocation of funds for the purposes of current expenses and renewal facilities and resources, Ukrainian schools will receive UAH 815,896,600.00.

The reallocation provides for UAH 300 million to assist the amalgamated territorial communities in purchasing school buses, equipment of schools with teaching aids and computerised complexes comprising multimedia training tools, and implementation of energy saving technologies.

 Separately, the funds in the amount of UAH 300 million are also appropriated to equip institutions of general education specialising in natural science subjects and mathematics, as well as pivotal schools, with teaching aids.

UAH 200 million from the reallocation are appropriated for the purchase of buses taking schoolchildren to pivotal schools. As before, the purchase of buses will be carried out on the principles of co-financing, where 70% of the funds come from the state budget, and 30%, from local budgets.



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