Bodies of Local Self-Government Have Obtained Access to the Land Cadastre

On 24 March, the first territorial community in Ukraine has obtained access to the State Land Cadastre.

The State Service of Ukraine for Surveying, Mapping, and Cadastre connected the Obukhiv City Council in Kyiv Region to the network capacity of the State Land Cadastre. Authorized persons as determined by the Executive Committee of the City Council got the ability to provide administrative services of land registry, which services were earlier rendered exclusively by the Land Management Service.

Every expert who will work with the functionality of the data base has been trained by specialists of the State Service for Geodetic Surveying, Cartography, and Cadastre, and his/ her work station has a comprehensive system of information protection.

The connection of the bodies of local self-government to the State Land Cadastre is carried out in accordance with the declarative principle and may be in two formats - read-only access for the real-time verification of information about the land resources and with the ability to generate abstracts. Both connection options are free of charge.

"The granting of access to the State Land Cadastre to the bodies of local self-government is a consistent step in the decentralization of land relations. Local communities should have exhaustive information regarding the resources in their disposal, especially in view of the expansion of their powers in this area in the future", Head of the State Service for Geodetic Surveying, Cartography, and Cadastre Maksym Martyniuk said. According to him, the demonopolization of access to the State Land Cadastre increases the level of service for people and opens new opportunities for receiving administrative services. "We expect that territorial communities will extend active support to our initiative and take advantage of the opportunity to be connected to the State Land Cadastre", he noted.

For reference purposes

The connection of the bodies of local self-government to the State Land Cadastre is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On State Land Cadastre" and Resolution No. 1051 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for Maintenance of the State Land Cadastre" (as amended).

Every year, approximately one million abstracts are issued upon applications of individuals - this is the most popular service in the area of land relations. As of the beginning of the year, in total 208,442 abstracts from the cadastre system on the land plot have been issued.

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