Sister city of Bucha, Katowice, to support the creation of Bucha Techno Garden

Katowice, Bucha’s Polish sister city, is ready to help restore the economy of the Bucha municipality.

This was announced by Anatolii Fedoruk, Mayor of Bucha, after a meeting with the President of Katowice, Marcin Krupa, which took place on November 4.

“Katowice used to be a mining town that made an incredible economic and industrial breakthrough in a relatively short time. In particular, thanks to the construction of an industrial park based on IT and outsourcing. Our partners have pledged to provide support in the creation of the Bucha Techno Garden, a priority development area within the Bucha municipality with an area of ​​3,433 hectares,” said Anatolii Fedoruk.

According to him, the Polish experience will help the Bucha City Council to identify potential partners, improve the planning of the industrial park and revive the economy of the entire region.

In March, the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine initiated the International Marathon of Local Governments aimed at drawing the attention of municipalities around the world to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and boosting the process of establishing sisterly relations.

In July of this year, the Bucha municipality signed a twinning agreement with the city of Katowice. As for other Polish cities, Bucha has also twinned with Tuszyn and Pszczyna.

In August 2022, Bucha signed a Cooperation Agreement with the German city of Bergisch Gladbach.

In June 2022, the city of Bucha entered into the Twinning Pact with the Italian municipality of Bergamo.

Next is the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership between Bucha and the cities of Kavadarci (North Macedonia) and Avranches (France).




partnership international support


Київська область


Бучанська територіальна громада


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