Decentralisation has become a decisive factor in the social and economic development of Ukraine - Opinion of the European Commission on Ukraine's application for membership of the European Union

Decentralisation is one of the most effective and successful reforms carried out in Ukraine, which has become a decisive factor in social and economic development.

This is stated in the Opinion of the European Commission on Ukraine's application for membership of the European Union.

"With respect to multi-level governance, Ukraine’s decentralisation has advanced since 2014. This is one of the most impactful and successful reforms implemented in the country. It has become a crucial enabler of the social and economic development. A key aspect of the reform was a merger (amalgamation) of over 10 000 small and dispersed local entities into 1 470 larger municipalities (‘hromadas’) with increased administrative and economic capacity to manage their responsibilities more effectively. A country-wide network of local “one-stopshop” administrative service centres provides quality services to citizens and businesses. The reform was underpinned by fiscal decentralisation (including 64% share of personal income tax currently allocated to municipalities) with the aim of securing stable resources necessary for the exercise of the new tasks of local self-government. Municipalities also benefited from transfer of property and gained opportunities to regulate land trade on their territory. Sectorial decentralisation advanced in health and education."

The European Commission has officially recommended granting Ukraine candidate status for accession to the European Union.

17.06.2022 - 18:27 | Views: 3815
Decentralisation has become a decisive factor in the social and economic development of Ukraine - Opinion of the European Commission on Ukraine's application for membership of the European Union


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