There cannot be any doubts concerning starostas being necessary, the institution is worth developing and enhancing, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Within decentralization we want to make the authorities closer to people. Every village must have a person in public authority, able to help, clarify, solve the residents’ current issues, being the local authorities’ competence. A municipality can do it efficiently with the help of starostas, too. It is proven with the experience of municipalities, so the issue of the institution necessity is out of the question both currently and in the future.

It was claimed by Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during an online-dialogue with starostas, held within the initiative «Decentralisation’s on the line».

«The institution of starostas was an important part of the decentralization success at the stage of voluntary amalgamation of municipalities. The new administrative and territorial arrangement having been established at the municipality level, starostas remain an important link within the local self-government. Currently there are no discussions at the central level if the institution is necessary but there are still issues how to make it more efficient and necessary for municipality inhabitants at the stage of extending local self-government powers», - emphasized Vyacheslav Nehoda.


starosta V.Nehoda


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