Salaries and bonuses as the main controversial issue of the draft law on the local self-government body service – an opinion

The National Public Service Agency of Ukraine has prepared quite a quality draft law On the Local Self-Government Body Service № 6504, that must be taken as the basis. The only controversial thing about it is officials’ salary ceiling most debates are centred about.

«The draft law in the current wording has to satisfy local self-government. Firstly, the draft law differentiates political posts and public servants’ posts. Secondly, it makes it possible to employ people in local self-government bodies, based on transparent selection, including the usage of the Unified Public Service Vacancies Portal, administered by the National Public Service Agency of Ukraine not influencing the selection process, with municipalities being involved in it independently. In addition, the staff reserve and annual reporting, namely, local self-government specialists’ assessment, are being introduced, increasing the service transparency», - said a people’s deputy Vitalii Bezghin during the discussion «Expectations from draft law On the Local Self-Government Body Service, organized by the Association of Municipalities.



service in local self-government Vitalii Bezghin


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