Amongst other issues, decentralization covers partnership between the state and a municipality, rather than mutual assessment. It was highlighted by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda in his interview for OTG-Inform Chernihivshchyna, answering the question of assessing municipality management effectiveness.
«Most municipalities have been working under the new conditions just for a year. So, it is too early to make conclusions about their management effectiveness. More time is needed. But generally speaking, it can be said that most municipalities can be happy for them and be sure that the reform brings its fruit. Some of them function, bordering the territories under hostility due to the external aggression the whole country is suffering from. To make things still worse, it occurs under the pandemic conditions and quarantine restrictions, affecting their possibilities. Despite such hardships, the municipalities succeed in organizing ASCs’ functioning from scratch, take care of medical sphere, education, public services and amenities, safety and many other vitally important issues. Municipality residents’ assessment of the reform outcomes and local self-government activity will be the most unbiased. But today it is more important to understand municipality needs and help them, pass regulations necessary for municipalities in time. Amongst other issues, decentralization covers partnership between the state and a municipality, rather than mutual assessment», - the interview reports.
amalgamation of hromadas otsinka efektyvnosti hromad V.Nehoda
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